Saturday, January 31, 2009
Paul Blart: Mall Cop set to become top weekend film for 3 weeks in a row
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Predator for Politics
Another Rambo film in the works
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Movie Review: Speed Racer
When this movie came out last summer, I skipped it because the trailer and the look of this movie did nothing for me. I thought it looked weird and the snippets of dialogue in the trailer made the movie seem melodramatic. Suffice it to say that I was surprised when I finally watched it and discovered that Speed Racer is a really good movie. If you disagree that it’s a really good movie, you are both a liar and a heartless human being on par with someone who would smother a newborn kitten.
Do you really want to be that kind of person?
Speed Racer tells the story of a racecar driver named (wait for it…) Speed Racer. The Racer family has a bit of a history in the racing world and that’s all I’m going to tell you because I prefer sending people in to a movie as blind as I can possibly send them.
The look of the film can be jarring at first, but once you get past it, you’ll begin to appreciate how remarkable it really is. The movie has ridiculous (in a good way) racing sequences, comic relief for the kids (although some of those moments can be a bit grating), and lots of heart. The finale of this movie is so well done that I struggled not to shit my pants with happiness.
Speed Racer has a 36% freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and I am just amazed at how wrong a lot of those critics were about this movie. At worst, this movie is okay. To think that 64% of critics flat out didn’t like it is weird because those scores are usually spot-on, I mean look at what they gave Disaster Movie.
IET Rating: (3 1/2)***1/2* out of (4)****
Monday, January 26, 2009
Gil Grissom might have taken the viewers with him
USA Network shows using 80s themed commercials
CSI actor Gerald McCullouch Involve in Real Life Crime
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Paul Blart: Mall Cop tops weekend Box Office 2nd Week in a row,,,00.html
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Current trend of World War II Era films are not drawing large audiences
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Ledger Gets Oscar Nomination
For the complete list of the nominee check out
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Warner Brothers Studios to cut 800 jobs
Movie Review: Doubt
This movie was HILARIOUS. If you've ever wanted to see a movie where a nun and a priest take subtle (and not so subtle) shots at each other, this is the movie for you. This movie is just like "The Office" if "The Office" weren't a faux-documentary and Michael Scott was a suspected child molester. I never really "got" Phillip Seymour Hoffman or Meryl Streep before I saw this movie, but now I do. They both give really great, intense performances.
I.E.T. Rating: (3)*** out of (4)****
(Editor's note: This movie is NOT a comedy. It's actually a drama about a nun who suspects that the priest at her parish is a child molester. That being said, when the nun and the priest start tearing in to each other, it is hilarious.)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Paul Blart: Mall Cop is top movie this weekend
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Many stars preparing for Barack Obama Inauguration
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Season Premiere of American Idol Lowest Viewership Ever
CBS Announces NCIS spinoff

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Grissom permanently leaving CSI
Prison Break CANCELED?!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Part 2 of Burn Notice Season 2 Returns Thursday January 22
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Heath Ledger wins Golden Globe
For details check
Clint Eastwood makes our day, once again! : Gran Torino
This line is arguably one of the most recognizable movie lines of all time. Uttered by Clint Eastwood in the 1971 classic, Dirty Harry, Eastwood has etched himself into cinema lore by putting on many classic performances. Films such as Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby have solidified Eastwood's place in film today as one of the best directors of all time. Recently though, it is what he did in front the camera that caught my attention.
In Gran Torino, Eastwood plays a racist veteran who resembles that crazy old man who lives on every block, but, as the movie progresses, Eastwood's character surprisingly begins to wear on you and you begin to see Eastwood's brilliance as an actor. His character, Walter Kowalski, is near death and does not have a single thing to live for. He has lived in the suburbs of Detroit for years, and in the past decade the amount of Asian-American immigrants has increased tenfold to his chagrin. He demonstrates his racist views by calling them names such as "zipper heads" and "gooks," and to add further fuel to the fire he catches an Asian teenager named Thao trying to steal his cherished 1972 Gran Torino. Rather than blowing the kid's head off, he takes him under his wing and tries to make a man out of him, and as the story progresses both characters evolve and you can't help but take interest in both of them.
I can't help but feeling sad due to the fact that Eastwood has officially retired from acting. He states that he has done all that he can do in that particular field, and although I do feel a bit of sorrow, I am looking forward to his future projects behind the camera.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Dark Knight returns to theaters January 23
In a related topic, it appears that the tough times have even affected the WWE. The company has reduced it staff by 10 percent and have let go around 60 employees. The job cuts have been across the board ranging from Vince McMahon's limo drivers to WWE stars like Val Venis and D'Lo Brown.