One of the thematic elements of the film involves a uneasy alliance between the Catholic Church and Robert Langdon due to his perceived betrayal for what he did in the first film. However in the book, the events that happened in The Da Vinci Code occurred after the events of Angels and Demons.
One of the major theme areas in The Da Vinci Code involves the Louvre in Paris, France. While in Angels and Demons, one of the major theme areas involves the Vatican. The following pictures are picture I took when I went to Europe at the Louvre and the Vatican. The first picture is where the Holy Grail is hidden in the Louvre and the second picture is from the top of the Vatican.
I wrote a review for The Da Vinci Code when I saw it back in 2006. Here is the review in its entirety:
ReplyDelete"Title: I saw that new Da Vinci Code
Body: It was like National Treasure, Dogma and The Fugitive all in one movie. One sucky movie. That's my Da Vinci Code review."
I did like two parts of the movie though... (Spoilers below)
1. The POV shot of that big rig truck hitting that car head on.
2. The main girl seeing her dad or grandpa banging some chick as part of a ritual he was involved in. HILARIOUS!
I think I'll see Angels and Demons though. Tom Hanks is so damn likable.