Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Christian Bale Goes Ballistic on Set

During the last few days, audio of The Dark Knight star Christian Bale going absolutely ballistic on the set of his new movie Terminator: Salvation leaked onto the internet. The rant, which lasted about four minutes, was aimed toward the director of photography for getting in the way of one of the shots. Bale used about forty f-bombs in that 4 minute span. You can hear the rant in the video below. The director of photography was later fired. What is strange about this incident is the timing. This incident allegedly happened some time last year during the filming of Terminator: Salvation, but is only now surfacing. The release of this audio seems to coincide with the impending release of the movie in May. You have to wonder if this is a stunt to generate hype and get everyone talking about the movie. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. In before "Why So Serious".

    That is a horrible photoshop on that YouTube video of what a half Christian Bale/half T-800 (nerd alert) would look like. The terminator eye is too low. Plus the skull is bulging to his left. Bush League photoshopping right there.
