Monday, February 9, 2009

Jay Leno is #1 Television Personality

In a recent survey, the host of NBC's "Tonight Show," Jay Leno, was ranked America's #1 favorite TV personality. This was one of the few times a non-fictional character has taken the #1 spot. The high ranking of Jay Leno may partially be due to the announcement of his new 10PM show on NBC, which begins after his 17 year reign as host of "The Tonight Show" ends. "The Tonight Show" will then be hosted by Conan O'Brien. The number 2 personality ranked in this survey is the star of the hit Fox show House, Hugh Laurie.


  1. Jay Leno is alright...but just alright...his jokes are not always funny but when they are...they are hilarious...

    check it out:

  2. Jay Leno usually goes for the most obvious and least offensive punchline to his monologue jokes. That's the only problem I have with him. He can be funny when he wants to be, but being on at 11:30 really neuters his monologue. I hope the same doesn't happen to Conan.
