Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Season Premiere of American Idol Lowest Viewership Ever

The season premiere of this season's "American Idol" was the lowest rated premiere since the the start of the series. The current eighth season premiere had a 10% drop in its total audience and a 15% drop in its adult demographics when compared to the previous season. Even with 30.1 million viewers, the series has not had a viewership that low since the series premiere in the summer of 2002. It should be noted that this has been an ongoing trend with viewership dropping more and more as the show progresses. For details check


  1. Hmm.... Why do you thihnk it's dropping...??

  2. It might be dropping due to losing its novelty. When it was a new show it was a new concept that people were interested in. Also there are now many reality shows and people may be getting sick of the large amount of reality shows.
